Shaping Education for the Future of Work
The role of education traditionally has been to prepare students for the rigors of an industrial model. We now know that this model is obsolete. The current question is how to shift to an education model based on principles of agriculture? Indeed, the human flourishing is not a mechanical process but an organic one. And the best we can do is to create the conditions under which our children will flourish.
British education expert Sir Ken Robinson has been challenging this way we are educating our children. In this most popular TED talk of all time, he makes a profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures – rather than undermines – creativity, and acknowledges multiple types of intelligence.
At Shades of Gray, we are convinced that the future will be about pairing the artificial intelligence of machines with the cognitive, social and spiritual capabilities of humans, so that we educate first-class humans, not second-class robots. We believe that it is part of our mission and responsibility to allow and create space and time for such reflections : question oneself about oneself and one’s relationship with others. There is not one unique answer. There is no such a concept of right or wrong answers. There are many questions possible and genuine ideas.
We implement tailored professional development program rooted into schools’ academic curriculum with individual coaching and collective workshops. We also mentor young entrepreneurs and students to help them grow professionally and successfully navigate into their professional life. We genuinely question, we brainstorm, we challenge, we analyze their main challenges.
A rewarding adventure, dear to our heart…
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It’s Time to Revolutionize Education
Challenging the Nature of School & the Purpose of Education